
hazardous.metrics.integrated_brier_score_survival(y_train, y_test, y_pred, times)#

Compute the Brier score integrated over the observed time range.

\[\mathrm{IBS} = \frac{1}{t_{max} - t_{min}} \int^{t_{max}}_{t_{min}} \mathrm{BS}(u) du\]

Note that this assumes independence between censoring and the covariates. When this assumption is violated, the IPCW weights are biased and the Brier score is not a proper scoring rule anymore. See [Gerds2006] for a study of this bias.

y_trainrecord-array, dictionnary or dataframe of shape (n_samples, 2)

The target, consisting in the ‘event’ and ‘duration’ columns. If the ‘event’ column holds more than 1 event types, they are automatically collapsed to a single event type to compute the Brier score of the “any-event” survival function estimate. This is only used to estimate the IPCW values to adjust for censoring in the evaluation data.

y_testrecord-array, dictionnary or dataframe of shape (n_samples, 2)

The ground truth, consisting in the ‘event’ and ‘duration’ columns. The same remark applies as for y_train with respect to the ‘event’ column.

y_predarray-like of shape (n_samples, n_times)

Survival probability estimates predicted at times.

timesarray-like of shape (n_times)

Times at which the survival probabilities y_pred has been estimated and for which we compute the Brier score.


See also


Time-dependent Brier score of a survival function estimate.



E. Graf, C. Schmoor, W. Sauerbrei, M. Schumacher, “Assessment and comparison of prognostic classification schemes for survival data”, 1999


T. Gerds and M. Schumacher, “Consistent Estimation of the Expected Brier Score in General Survival Models with Right-Censored Event Times”, 2006